Drop-off & Pick Up
Arrival at School
If your child does not ride the bus, please time their arrival no earlier than 7:15 a.m., when the breakfast line opens and adult supervision begins. Although teachers arrive earlier, they do not supervise the hallways. Their time is spent in team meetings, conferences with parents, and lesson preparations. If driving your child to school, please drop children off in designated areas. They should not walk between parked cars or across traffic. Please use the crosswalks and crossing guards. Car traffic into the bus unloading area is not allowed. Students that get dropped off need to wait in the designated areas in the hallway until the supervising staff leads the group to the classrooms.
Doors 1, 5, 6, 9 and 21 are the only areas where students should be dropped off before school and/or picked up after school. These areas are the only locations that have adult supervision. Students should not be dropped off prior to 7:15 a.m. as there is no adult supervision.
Student Pickup
Students who are picked up before the end of the day (2:00 p.m.) must be signed out in the school office. You must provide a state issued photo identification when picking up students. In the interest of student safety, office personnel will arrange for the student(s) to come to the office to meet you.
Note: Please be aware that late arrival or early pickup of a student will affect his/her “perfect attendance” record.